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Community Engagement Live Training Intensive
Day 1: Opening Plenary Session 11:00 AM-12:00 PM EST
Welcome From Collective Insight! (and Housekeeping)
Why Do We Even Do Engagement? Understanding the Opportunities and Impact When We Get It Right
Day 1: Concurrent Session One 12:15-1:45 PM EST
Session 1A: Building the Staffing and Policies to Make Engagement Work
Session 1B: Making Your Meeting Process Accessible, Really
Day 1: Concurrent Session Two 2:00-3:30 PM EST
Session 2A: Asset Mapping - Building on Trust and Relationships that Already Exist
Session 2B: The Power of Incentives
Day 2: Concurrent Session One 11:00 AM-12:30 PM EST
Session 1A: Seeking and Engaging New & Underrepresented Voices
Session 1B: Considerations for In-Person and Virtual Meetings
Day 2: Concurrent Session Two 12:45-2:15 PM EST
Session 2A: Effective Meeting Preferences
Session 2B: Energizing an Existing Advisory Group and Identifying and Addressing Retention Issues
Day 2: Concurrent Session Three 2:15-3:45 PM EST
Session 3A: Thoughtful Decision Making in Group Process
Session 3B: Evaluating and Improving Engagement Activities
Day 2: Closing Plenary Session 3:45-4:00 PM EST
Wrap Up: Reflections Evaluations, and Certificates
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Why Do We Even Do Engagement? Understanding the Opportunities and Impact When We Get It Right
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